Saturday 6 October 2018

Introduction to Mr and Mrs Kim

Hi guys! I'm thecaffeinatedsim and this will be my Sims 4 blog.

I'm currently on a sims 4 + kpop/kdrama kick so my current household is about 2 neighbors, Minju and Junghoon. Minju is a computer programmer and Junghoon is a secret agent. Currently they live opposite each other but don't know each other very well. Later on, Minju will also become a secret agent and fall for her sunbae and neighbor Junghoon, but she doensn't know that Junghoon is going to go to the dark side later on and become Chief of Mischief...

This was inspired by the currently running Kdrama Terius starring So Ji Sub haha. But obviously edited to have a different storyline!

We start off with Minju in her house, she is chilling with some soju and dinner. 
Junghoon is trying to bone up on logic as part of his secret agent training, but looks like he is going to fall asleep...
Notice their houses have similar layouts as they are neighbors but Junghoon's looks more secret-agenty and darker hahah. 
Minju trying to lose weight, exercising in her apartment complexes's gym. 

soju/ korean food: Kiro's korean pub set
gym stuff: aroundthesims4

Next up will be more about how Minju and Junghoon get to know each other and fall in love as well more about their work lives!

Surgeons Ep 1

Hello! I started a new family so will be starting a new story haha. Introducing... Stephanie Kim the surgeon~! She is a typical type A pers...